14 Easy Ways To Tell Your Dog Happy Valentine’s Day

Including your furry buddy in your holiday celebrations, is all part of being a pet parent. But how do you tell your dog Happy Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank?

Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that people either love or hate. If you include your furry buddy in the holiday, even those who don’t like the day, find it acceptable. Yet, how do you include your best fur friend without spending more than you can afford?

Today we’ll dig in and discover 14 great ways to express your love for your pup without spending much and most are even free. Your buddy will love these ideas and you will love celebrating Valentine’s Day with your fur kid.

a woman hugs her pup as they celebrate valentine's day together
disclaimer note
Budget Tip:

You don't need to much if any money on your buddy to make Valentine's Day a fabulous one. The main thing is to make it a positive day and share it with your best fur friend. What's better than that? Oh yes, is basically no hit on your budget. It's a perfect win-win-win for you, your pup, and your wallet.

First, I hear many people ask if their pup even loves them. According to Phys.org, yes, of course, your dog does love you. Now, that’s out of the way, you can plan how to show your buddy love.

1. Be with your dog

A woman is with her buddy for a dog happy Valentine's Day celebration.

This may sound overly simplified but just being with your dog allows him/her to know you care and love him. As I write this, my dog, Henry, is napping at my side. He knows I love him.

2. Cuddle time

A woman cuddle's her pup for a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

This could be in the morning, evening, afternoon, or whenever you have time. I like to cuddle with Henry after I brush him in the morning. He will generally fall asleep looking at me. I know he loves me. 

In this article, I provide ideas on how to bond with your dog. 

3. “Good Boy” or “Good Girl”

A woman tells her pup he's a good boy as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

Remember to tell your dog he’s a good boy or girl when something good is done. This doesn’t have to be a huge thing. Just a small accomplishment will do, like coming inside when asked. Henry always is so happy when he comes when I call him and gets told he’s a good pup with a pet and a kiss on his head.

4. Body language is a cue

A pup is overjoyed with a hug as part of a dog Valentine's Day celebration.

I love watching the body cues Henry gives to me. Some days he just make me laugh. Other days, I check him out thoroughly to make sure he’s not sick. Knowing your dog and his or her body language is key to a great relationship with your pup.

Looking at your dog’s body language and responding accordingly is huge. 

  • Is your dog’s tail wagging? 
  • Are your dog’s ears up? 
  • Or is he huddled with pinned ears and a tucked tail? 

You are your dog’s parent or pack leader. Make sure your pup is okay. Reassure your dog or seek medical attention if necessary. 

In this article, I detail how to find a great veterinarian for you and your dog. 

5. Stroll a new route on your walk or hike

Henry explores his favorite hiking spot.
Henry explores his favorite hiking spot.

Don’t rush your walk and allow your dog to enjoy all the sniffs he/she wants on the journey. This is like reading the newest book and having to mark the margins for what you like and don’t like. It is your dog’s time so allow your pup to have it. 

Learn how to go for a hike with your pup without the back pain.

Henry always loves a new walking area or even visiting a hiking trail he adores.

Discover how to quickly remove sap from your dog’s fur, even if it’s dried.

6. Learn a new trick

A cute pup learns a new trick as part of a dog happy Valentine's Day celebration.

Most dogs love learning. When a dog is in training mode (even learning a new trick), his/her mind is stimulated, energized, and engaged in the activity. This is a great opportunity to let your dog learn while bonding with your dog. 

Henry thrives when he’s training. It is one of his favorite activities. It could be your pup’s favorite as well.

Do you know you can train your pup affordably on your time and schedule?

7. Dog massage at home

A woman massages her canine as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

I know that you’re thinking this is a bit luxurious. However, it does help your dog relax. It also helps with physical issues along with allowing you to bond with your dog. I encourage you to try it. Henry loves it!

This article gives you a step-by-step guide on how to give a dog massage at home.

8. Chase that doggie

A joyful pup chases a ball as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

This is about allowing your dog to play. Chase engages the physical part of your dog and allows your dog to be silly. However, be careful that your dog doesn’t get overzealous with chasing, especially if your dog is a big dog. Henry loves to be chased and plays a game of chase every evening. 

Also, you can simply play fetch and let your pup chase a ball.

Even if your dog hates toys you can still play with him/her.

9. Dog mental stimulation  

A pup plays a mental stimulation game as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

Another way to show your dog you love him on Valentine’s Day is to stimulate his/her mind. This could be through a mind game or even through a sniffing game. Henry loves sniffing games. 

Additionally, Henry loves mealtime brain games, which are free!

Or maybe you’d like to set up a simple sniffing game. Here’s how to set it up successfully. 

10. Visit doggie friends or go to doggie daycare

Pups play as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

What better way to show your dog you love him or her than by spreading the love? Henry loves to visit his dog friends. However, he really loves going to doggie daycare.

I always think in a dog’s mind doggie daycare is like Christmas morning and Santa not only delivers gifts, he’s waiting to see you open them. Yep, it’s a bit nuts! I’m always thrilled when Henry is willing to come home. I know he loves me too. 

Discover how to find the perfect dog daycare for you and your pup. 

11. Make a DIY gift

A pup plays with a DIY toy as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

If you can plan a bit ahead, you make a simple homemade tug-of-war toy, snuffle mat, new bed, sweater, or even a homemade collar. It doesn’t cost much but can be fun to have a heartfelt toy to play with your pup.

Here are some great DIY ideas you can make in time for Valentine’s Day.

12. Homemade doggie treats

A pup waits to get a homemade treat as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

Make homemade dog treats! Henry LOVES homemade dog cookies. Plus, I get to control all the ingredients. To top that off, it saves me money to make his cookies at home. It’s simple with no downside. What could be better?

Discover all the details about how homemade dog treats save you money.

13. Ease your dog’s joint pain

A senior pup is relieved to have his joint pain ease during a Valentine's Day celebration.

Any time is a good time to tend to your pup’s arthritis or joint pain. Your buddy will appreciate it and it will warm your heart to see your buddy moving better. There are simple tricks such as a comfy bed, massage, and joint supplements.

While you may need to spend a little for a fluffy bed or supplement, it is generally well worth it. I know Henry moves better with both a comfy bed and mobility chew.

Here are some great ideas on how to ease your pup’s mobility issues.

14. Go on a Valentine’s Date

A couple enjoys a date with their pup as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

You may want to consider a doggie date with your spouse or partner. It can be fun and affordable to go to a dog-friendly cafe or on a walking tour. Who wouldn’t love this kind of Valentine’s Day celebration?

Discover 25 doggie date ideas you all will love.

Bonus dog Valentine’s Day idea!

A pup goes for a car ride as part of a dog Happy Valentine's Day celebration.

Some dogs, like my Henry, love going for car rides. You can take a tour of the area, go for a ride around the block, or go see a friend in another town. However, make sure to always use a dog safety belt in the car.

Do you need ideas to help calm your anxious car-riding pup? Here are some tricks you both will love.

Related articles:

Hearts, tails, and paws rejoice with a dog happy Valentine’s Day celebration!

A woman hugs her husky as they celebrate a dog happy valentine's day.

Yep, that sometimes painful holiday, Valentine’s Day is almost upon us. While some like to bemoan the holiday, I like to focus on the positives. That means including my dog in the day. I will make sure Henry has a fabulous Valentine’s Day. Of course, I may not do everything on this list, but I can guarantee he will feel the love I have for him. And that’s a pawfect way to spend Valentine’s Day.

About Terri Rodefer

Terri Rodefer is the founder of Tail Wag Wisdom, a blog focused on affordable pet care. She likes to say helping pet parents afford and love their animals even more, makes her tail wag. As a lifelong lover of all animals with a background in economics, biology, and marketing, allows Terri to bring a unique spin to pet care. 

24 thoughts on “14 Easy Ways To Tell Your Dog Happy Valentine’s Day”

  1. Valentine’s Day is fun. Like with the people I love, I try to do things like this to show my dogs I love them on a daily bases. We celebrate Valentine’s Day, but never really feel the need to do anything huge or elaborate. This year I’m planning on making my dogs some homemade treats, and we’ll probably go for a nice hike or just spend some time playing outside (weather depending).

    • That sounds like a perfect to spend Valentine’s Day with your dogs. I might do the exact same thing for Henry. Give your pups a pet for Henry and me. 😊💖🐶

    • I totally agree with you! Nothing beats a cuddle with your doggie. They are the best cuddles. I hope you have lots of doggie cuddles today and on Valentine’s Day. 🐶💖🐶

  2. This reminds me I need to get some Valentine’s gifts for my cats too! I can’t have the dogs getting all the treats and fun!

    This is a lovely list and I adore the photo at the top too!

    • I’m glad I reminded you of your cute cats as well. They definitely deserve some Valentine’s Day love as well. Give your cats some extra treats for Henry (he LOVES cats). I do too. 🐶💖🐱

      Gosh, I wish I could take credit for that photo. But I did pick it. Does that count? 🤔🤪🤣

  3. For my dog, every day is Valentine’s day. We don’t celebrate it, but I give her my all every day of the years. We do things together daily.

    I learned that she has the best time to join her in her favorite activities instead of imposing my ideas on her. So in the summer, we hunt frogs together, and in the winter, we hunt mice together. She loves that.

    • That sounds like you have a terrific way of showing your dog you love her. It’s really important to listen to your dog and know what she likes and doesn’t. You’re doing a great job! I wish more dog parents knew their dogs as well as you do. Give your pup a tummy rub for Henry and me. 🐶💖😊

  4. I love everything about this. My husband and I are both pretty anti-Valentine’s Day just because it has become such a commercialized thing. However, I could definitely get behind focusing on doing something for the pups to celebrate instead. Maybe I’ll find a new KONG stuffing recipe to try out for them that has a Valentine’s theme of some type lol

    • I totally agree with you and your husband. Valentine’s Day has gotten a bit commercialized. However, by focusing on our pets for Valentine’s Day we can take it back not dread it so much. I’m glad you liked this idea. Please give all your critters a pet for Henry and me. 🐶💖😊

  5. I feel like I show love to my dogs by taking them on adventures or putting together a fun new puzzle for them! I feel like both of these they get the most enjoyment from. I guess the only thing I don’t like about valentines day is that it’s just one day, and I like showing them I love them a lot more often than once a year. 😉

    • I agree with you. We should show our dogs love every day. Valentine’s Day gives us a reminder to do it in case there has been any lapse. I do like refocusing Valentine’s Day on our dogs. I’m glad you liked this article. Give your pups a pet for Henry and me. 🐶💖😊

  6. I love to get them cute little things for Valentine’s day! After all, they love me unconditionally. Why not express my love in some way back?

  7. What great suggestions for Valentine’s Day! A lot of these things are also important to do all the time but I think sometimes we get busy and forget so doing them all on a special day is a great idea.

  8. L❤️VE all of these ideas, Terri! And even if someone is not fond of Valentine’s Day, as you said, snuggling and spending time with beloved dogs is THE best! I miss that snuggling and easy walks with mine the most. I felt the most at peace in their loving company. And a Valentine’s date with your dog sure sounds like a fantastic date to me!!! Love with a dog is unconditional – 24/7/365! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and sweet Henry! Sharing this with my readers!

    • Awe, thank you Dorothy! I agree time with our fur friends is calming and essential for our well-being. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Valentine’s Day as well!

  9. Love these ideas! Did you know that they even make doggy ‘wine’ (it’s made out of fish juice). We served our pups some last year for V-day LOL


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