It may not be surprising to learn that more than half of pet parents in the US worry about their fur kids’ health more than they do their own. Is there a way to reduce this stress and increase your dog’s immunity?
Of course, your fur kids’ health may ebb and flow over time. But taking action to make your pup as healthy as possible is always a good idea.
With this in mind, today we’ll explore 15 easy and actionable steps any pet parent can take to improve their fur kid’s immunity. These are all affordable and do improve health. I use these tips for my pup, Henry’s, immune health.

*Updated: December 10, 2024
Budget tip: It doesn’t have to cost a lot to boost your dog’s immune system naturally. You can do easy things such as exercise, feeding the proper amount, keeping his/her fur clean and brushed. None of those are pricey. In fact, they are free! Yet, they can impact your dog’s health and immune system in a big way and your budget as well. That’s a HUGE win-win!
Note: Always talk to your vet before adding something new to your dog’s diet or routine.
Why is it important for my dog to have a strong healthy immune system?

Just like with you, when your dog has a strong immune system, then he/she can more easily fight health issues. Additionally, as your dog’s health improves, then your pocketbook becomes more abundant. A few issues that your dog will more easily be able to fight are:
- Allergies (including symptoms of itchy skin, runny nose, and itchy eyes)
- Bug bites
- Viruses
- Infections (including ear infections)
- Stress-related health issues
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Tumors
How can I help boost my dog’s immunity naturally?
You might be surprised that some of the most simple acts can have a huge impact on your dog’s immune system. Basically, it’s a matter of keeping your dog healthy or getting your dog healthy and then building upon it. So, you’ll want to look at including or improving the following 15 actions to boost your dog’s overall health.
1. Exercise

Keeping your dog moving will help to keep joints, muscles, brain, and gut healthy. Additionally, it helps to keep your dog happy and reduces depression.
However, never push your dog further than he/she can be comfortable. Always know your limits.
2. Active mind
Of course, an active mind is critical to a healthy dog. I know Henry loves to train or learn a new trick. He also loves to play mind games at mealtime. Both are great for his health and his brain.
3. Clean body

A healthy body is a clean body. Yet, a dog can be washed too often. I try to wash Henry once a month and then spot-clean him between baths. By doing this I make sure there are no major issues on his body like hot spots.
4. Brushed fur
Keeping your dog’s fur brushed keeps tangles and mats out of his/her coat. This is very important as mats can become infected if left unattended. Additionally, by brushing Henry daily, I get to check him out for lumps and bumps, sensitive areas, or other skin issues.
5. Clean ears

Dogs with floppy ears especially need their ears cleaned regularly. I clean Henry’s ears about every 14 days and check him daily. If he’s itching or they smell, then I clean them more often. This prevents ear infections and helps to build his immune system.
6. Perfect paws
Keeping your dog’s paws in healthy shape with help to ensure he/she doesn’t develop sores, arthritis, or some other preventable issue. Often I’m shocked at what Henry will have in his paws. I check them daily and then when he comes in from outside. That may seem extreme, but it only takes a few seconds and it can prevent a sticker from being inhaled or a missed ant from biting your dog.
7. Tidy nails

Henry’s nails grow very fast. I have to trim them every 10 days or so. While I could take him to the groomer, I grind them myself in a few minutes. This helps prevent him from getting pain in his legs, feet, and back. I found a nail grinder that is inexpensive and very easy to use. This is similar to the one I use for Henry.
8. Clean eyes
While Henry’s eyes take a bit more cleaning than other dogs may, it’s still not very difficult. I tend to clean his eyes a few times a day with a warm compress. This helps to prevent infections and even more for Henry. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, Henry was attacked by a couple of dogs several years ago and nearly lost his left eye. By applying a warm compress to his eye, it has meant he didn’t need additional eye surgery. That’s huge for Henry. Well, for my pocketbook too. But I’m especially glad for Henry.
9. Regularly washing food bowls, dog beds

Just like you wouldn’t sleep on the same sheets for months at a time, your dog shouldn’t either. Or like you would never dream of eating or drinking out of the same bowl for weeks at a time without washing it, your dog needs cleanly washed bowls as well. It keeps germs down and helps to strengthen his/her immunity.
10. Hydration
How many times has your doctor asked you about your water intake? Water is important for life. That includes your dog. Water can help to improve immunity, keep muscles supple, brain healthy, and have cognitive abilities functioning.
11. Proper amount of dog food

Yes, I know it’s easy to give into those sweet puppy dog eyes and toss an extra cookie or more food to your pup. But it can really impact your dog. An overweight dog can have more issues with sleep, breathing, moving, depression, heart issues, and diabetes, just to name a few. In short, a dog’s diet does matter! Thus, making sure your dog gets the proper amount of food is good for his/her health, immunity, and your budget.
12. Supporting gut health
Have you ever heard that the stomach is the second brain? That’s because it’s got its own nervous system. I know for Henry when his gut is performing in a healthy manner, his immune response is sharper. That makes sense though. Overall, a healthy gut can help to improve your dog’s immunity system and immune response.
Yet, your dog’s stomach needs to have an ample amount of good bacteria, which helps to fight harmful bacteria.
For Henry’s gut health, I give him:
Fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids)
Probiotics as needed (good bacteria)

13. Teeth health is a must
Did I just hear you groan? I thought this one would be difficult as well with Henry. Heck, when I got him he had a lot of plaque on his teeth. But I was determined to not let him undergo anesthesia and a vet teeth cleaning. We’re now over 6 years and his teeth are in great shape. Henry’s never needed a professional vet cleaning.
In fact, his teeth are better today than the day I adopted him. However, I’ve never brushed his teeth. It’s really been easy. This is what I currently use for Henry’s dental care. Although, I’m always on the lookout for new ways to improve his dental health even more. As I learn them, I’ll post them.
14. Decreasing dog stress or managing dog stress

Yes, you can help your dog reduce his/her stress. Again, this can be through training, exercise, or even providing comfort zones. Personally, I have multiple comfort zones for Henry. They didn’t cost me anything to create. Yet he knows those are safe places to retreat when he feels scared or overwhelmed.
Moreover, I have helped Henry manage his stress with a simple massage. I’m often amazed at how a massage for him will help with gut issues or even help calm him.
However, when Henry has an anxiety attack I will:
- A heartbeat toy
- Cover his crate
- Turn on soft music or TV
- Use a cooling vest if he’s overheated
- Use a mushroom calming treat
These all have worked like a charm, even with fireworks.
15. Clean toys regularly
This is just like cleaning dog beds. Whenever possible clean your dog’s toys to prevent germs or infections. Additionally, if they have become frayed, then it’s time to toss them and get a new one or try a DIY toy.
Add a supplement or a vitamin as needed and approved

I know, I’ve been talking about how to improve your dog’s immune system naturally. But honestly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include this one. I added a medicinal mushroom mix as a dog immune booster at the recommendation of a blogging friend (Layla’s Woof) and the approval of my vet.
Graciously, Layla’s Woof has provided a 10% discount for purchases to Real Mushrooms with coupon “LaylasWoof”.
To say I’ve been shocked at the results of these immunity-building mushrooms I’ve seen in Henry would be an understatement. My furry friend has more energy and spring than the day I adopted him.
Plus, his GI tract is moving the best it ever has since he’s been with me. Basically, it’s been a great addition for Henry. His immune response and overall health have been improved with this addition.
However, if Henry has a setback, I’ll also add a pro-biotic for a few days until he’s back to his normal self. At the recommendation of Henry’s vet, I use these probiotics.
Can boosting your dog’s immunity really impact your bottom line?
YES! Most of what I’ve shared in this article is free. But the results of consistency can be a very healthy dog. I know I’ve seen it in Henry. Honestly, a healthy immune system can impact almost every part of your dog. For example, consider the cost of treating the following dog ailments:
Virus | $500-$200 |
Infection | $150-274 |
Allergies | $118-189 |
Dental cleaning | $800-1300 |
Teeth extraction | $400 |
Related articles:
- 10 Steps to Find the Best Vet
- Great Exercises With Dogs
- Is There a Cheap Easy Way to Train Your Dog?
- Mind Games for Dogs Every Dog Loves!
- How To Wash A Dog And Not Kill Your Back
- Easy Home Dog Brushing Solution
- Can Healthy Dog Paws Improve Your Bottomline?
- How The Best Dog Eye Care Saves Money!
- 8 Awesome Reasons Your Dog Needs Water
- Is Overfeeding A Dog Harmful?
- Do You Know The Easy Way Pumpkin Can Cut Dog Costs?
- How Can Fish Oil Cut Dog Costs?
- Easy And Effective Low-Cost Dog Dental Care
- Creating Dog Safe Spaces: Easy and Cheap
- Quick Simple Dog Massage Therapy at Home
- This Is How A Dog Who Doesn’t Like Toys Plays!
Paws Up For Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Dog’s Immunity
As SWNS Digital discovered, pet parents are worried about their fur kids health. Thus, ways to improve health and immunity are critical. I’m always conscious about how to improve Henry’s health. I admit, I thought it would be an uphill battle to boost Henry’s immune system. However, I’ve discovered simple ways that cost nothing or are very inexpensive and natural. Those all speak to me! I’ve been delighted to see Henry blossom with improved health. Who doesn’t want that for their dog?

Thanks for sharing these helpful immune boosting tips! Now that Icy is 14 I worry more about her health than ever before.
Of course! I’m always on the lookout for ways to turn Henry into part tortoise. I wouldn’t mind if he lived to be 150. I’ll let you know if I find that key. Thanks for your continued support and encouragement! I greatly appreciate it!
Thanks so much for sharing about the mushrooms or as I call them the magic mushrooms, they have worked wonders on Layla and that is why I share to everyone as seeing her at 17 years old and going strong makes me smile always. Your post was great and so important for all dog parents and of course Henry is the cutest
Honestly, I’ve been amazed at how well the mushroom mix has worked for Henry. I’m very pleased – and grateful to you. I also know that it always takes a combo of things to keep the pup going at an peak level. So, I still love my other free immune building strategies. I think together they are a great combo for Henry. I truly am grateful to you for sharing what’s working for Layla. I may need to try some immune mushrooms for myself. Oh, and I won’t disagree with you on the cuteness of Henry. But I will say Layla is pretty freaking cute as well! Thanks again for the sharing of info and for the continued support!
There are so many ways to strengthen a dog’s immunity. I had no idea.
This is such an essential post for all dog owners whether their dog is a youngster or a senior. You can never start good dog care too early.
Yes, it is fairly easy to improve a dog’s immunity. It’s one of those things that folks may not know is so easy. I completely agree with you that you can never start too early with boosting the immune system. That goes for any pet, including cats. Actually, I’m always trying to boost my immune system as well.
Thank you for your kind words and continued support. I greatly appreciate it!
As always, such an informative post! I, too, have been following Layla’s Woof and amazing at the success of the mushrooms. This information here about boosting the immune system is wonderful. There is such a connection between the gut and overall health. I, too, like you gave my FiveSibes pumpkin daily, coconut oil, omega-3 fish oil, and a few other whole health supplements. And I always washed their dishes and kept up with their nails (I chickened out of doing them myself after trying once! But I had a groomer who came to the house to bathe them and he also did the ears and nails. Score!)
I have to say after reading all about the mushrooms from Layla’s Woof and Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them, and now this great post, I sure wish mushrooms were more talked about back when I had my FiveSibes and especially in their senior years. They sure do sound like a wonderful item to add to a dog’s regimen.
Henry looks fabulous! I’m so glad to hear the success you are having with giving him the mushrooms!
Sharing this info with all of my followers!
You know it really is amazing how the medical mushroom industry has exploded! I was even talking with my pharmacist about it yesterday. Truly amazing! I bet there are benefits with some kind of medical mushroom that would’ve helped Gibson and the other FiveSibes. Honestly, I’m thinking about adding a few preventative medical mushroom supplements to my routine as well. Henry certainly is a great test for me! His energy and digestive system are doing great. I’m truly shocked!
Thank you for the Henry kind words. I may not tell him though. He already thinks he’s King Henry. 😀
I really appreciate your continued support and encouragement!