6 Easy Steps Stops Dogs From Peeing On Your Flowers

Need to know how what stops dogs from peeing in your yard? Do you live in an HOA community and feel like you can’t do anything about dogs peeing on your flowers? This seems to be a common issue. Many HOAs are very strict about what is allowed and not in each community.

But this doesn’t mean that your neighbors can simply allow their dogs to use your yard as their toilet. There are steps you can take to stop dogs from peeing on plants from super simple to a bit more involved.

Today, let’s dig in and discover simple tricks you can take to ensure your yard stays beautiful and dog urine and poo-free.

NOTE: While it can be an issue trying to figure out how to prevent dogs from peeing on plants in an HOA, many of these steps apply even if you don’t live within an HOA community. 

*Updated: April 10, 2024
a spray steps stops dogs from peeing on flowers, including this pup
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Budget Tip:

Landscaping can be pricy and protecting it from thoughtless dog owners, doesn’t have to be expensive. You can talk to the offending neighbors or even whip up a cost-effective dog repellent concoction in your kitchen to re-train the peeing dogs (or rather their parents). It’s pennies compared to the amount you might have invested in your landscaping that’s being killed by dog urine. Taking steps to protect your landscape is a budget-wise tip!

What is an HOA community?

In case you are unaware, HOA stands for Home Owners Association. HOAs generally come with a fee. Some are very minimal. Some even have multiple HOAs – a parent HOA and a sub-HOA community, so you pay two fees. The fees are used to pay for such things as used by the community like security, landscaping, walkways, parks, recreation centers, pools, gyms, and basically any public areas are included in an HOA fee.

Thus, the HOA fee is also used to make sure that all those in the HOA community stay within the directed guides with fencing, painting, landscaping, car parking, noise, and the like. For the most part, when you drive through an HOA community, you won’t see a pink house or a house that really sticks out from others.

Moreover, there’s an HOA board made of community members whose responsibility is to enforce the guidelines and bylaws of the HOA. Some people really appreciate living in an HOA because of the perks included in the fees. Others feel that they are too restrictive.

As one friend who lives in an HOA has stated it can be a major issue when up to 100 dogs pee in one spot on any given Saturday. That much urine would kill the hardest of plants. 

So what can you do? Here are steps to take to find resolutions with your neighbor’s dogs:

Some HOAs are very restrictive and will limit what you can and cannot do to rectify neighborhood dogs ’ peeing on your landscaping. This is good to know before you do anything. 

Some people are just ignorant and will do what’s right if given a chance. Although not all dog parents have this view. Some will feel it’s their dog’s “right” to pee wherever he or she feels the need or want to go regardless of the appropriateness.

If allowed by your HOA, put up signage informing people to not allow their dogs to pee or poop in your garden. Sometimes carefully reading your HOA regulations you’ll find that small signs are allowed as long as they are not visible by other homes and are positioned in certain ways. 

Sometimes, it’s the location of your yard that is the attraction. For instance, if the neighbor’s mailboxes are on your property, that will cause people and dogs to stop at your yard. This will give dogs a chance to mark or pee in your yard. These then become problem areas.

Thus, if allowed by your HOA, provide an alternative to that problem area, such as a large rock, post, or decorative yard item that can be sprayed off periodically. The idea is to relocate the urine spray or poo and spare your flowers. 

Think you need a new park? Or maybe a new way to exercise your dog? In this article, I share the common warning signs when you need to ditch your dog park.

If you still are having issues with neighbors’ dog peeing or pooping on your landscaping, then document it with your Ring doorbell or other device and send it along with copied sections of your HOA regulations that state that residents must clean up after their pets to the HOA board. Also, include the actions you’ve taken as allowed by the regulations. 

Sometimes, as one of my friends has noted “it’s a matter of training the dogs to train their parents.” How do you do that? There are a few options.

Henry is a great deterrent to stop dogs from peeing in our yard
My dog, Henry, keeps an eye out to stop dogs peeing on plants.

Note: Henry doesn’t get into the flower pots or flower beds. I actually lifted him into this barrel. But it made a heck of a cute photo that I just had to share!

So, you’re asking how to keep neighborhood dogs from peeing on plants? As I just mentioned, there are options. This is where knowing your HOA regulations or what’s allowed in your area comes in handy. The idea is to know what option will fit within your HOA or neighborhood community restrictions. 

Want to learn how to train your dog on your time for free? In this article, I share what you need to know!

Solar-powered motion sprinklers are generally fairly cost-effective (normally around $60) and can spare your flowers.

An ultrasonic repellent can be an effective deterrent for some dogs and solar-powered ones are priced around $35.

While a smaller fence might seem extreme, it could actually enhance your curb appeal and the value of your home. Make sure you select a material that is sturdy enough to withstand periodic hosing or cleaning as you deem necessary. The cost of this option will vary depending on size and material. It could be as minimal as $60. 

How to stop dogs from peeing on flowers? Make them not enticing. Thus, you can stop some dogs peeing on your flowers simply by changing the type of flowers you place in your problem area. Some plants or flowers which may change a dog’s mind are: 

  • roses
  • cactus
  • barberry
  • juniper
  • lavender
  • rosemary

These plants will range in price but expect to pay about $20 for a bucket. 

Note: Some dogs, will see these prickly bushes as a mere challenge. I have many wild roses, which are VERY thorny, on my property and my dog, Henry, LOVES to try to pee on them. If I turn my back he will get as close as possible in order to put his “Henry was here” mark without puncturing his undercarriage. 

In this article learn how to create the backyard of your dreams on a budget. 

Sometimes you can replace those overly saturated flowers with an unpleasant-smelling bush. A good plant to try is called Coleus canina, also known as Dogs Be Gone or Scaredy Cat. But beware, this plant is VERY STINKY. If it is placed where you have high traffic, you could receive complaints from your HOA and end up having to remove it. 

Do you have a stinky dog? Learn how to cure your smelly dog in this article.

This can be the easiest option. Although, it doesn’t seem to work on all dogs for whatever reason. But you will have most dogs changing their peeing habit. There are two main types:

You’ll want to purchase something called Liquid Fence or Dog Liquid Fence. Again, this stuff STINKS! But that’s exactly what it’s made to do is be a repellent to dogs. 

The major plus to making your own repellent (besides cost) is that you can control what goes into it. So, if you notice that most, but not all dogs have stopped peeing on your flowers, then you can adjust the recipe until they all move past your landscape without hiking a leg.

Moreover, the key is to always test spray an area first. Also, NEVER EVER spray a dog or animal with any repellent. It’s meant to go where you want to restrict dogs or animals from certain areas.

NOTE: With either type of dog repellent, you will need to reapply every few days. If it rains, you may need to reapply more often. 

This is the recipe my friend has been using and tweaking as she sees the dogs linger or pass on by her yard. She says it’s the best dog repellent for yard care.

NOTE: Sometimes your HOA board will be your best friend in rectifying your dog peeing situation quickly. Other times the offending dogs belong to HOA board members.

In the latter case, you’ll need to make sure you document your steps clearly and thoroughly understand your HOA regulations. The second option is what my friend did and so far she’s had good success.

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Summary of steps to stop dogs from peeing on your flowers in an HOA community

It can be frustrating to see your neighbors allowing their dogs to freely pee on your garden in your HOA community. However, you can take steps to remedy the situation. If one option doesn’t work, such as talking to the dog’s parents, then you can proceed to a sign or even dog deterrent spray.

Basically, the key is to ALWAYS know what’s allowed by your HOA and what’s not allowed. Within hours of retraining the neighbor dogs and their parent, you’ll see the doggie pee traffic change, and your yard will start to look fresh again. 

a dog pees on a tree while a neighbor knows the 6 steps stops dogs from peeing on flowers

How do you stop dogs from peeing on plants? What worked for you and what didn’t work so well?  

About Terri Rodefer

Terri Rodefer is the founder of Tail Wag Wisdom, a blog focused on affordable pet care. She likes to say helping pet parents afford and love their animals even more, makes her tail wag. As a lifelong lover of all animals with a background in economics, biology, and marketing, allows Terri to bring a unique spin to pet care. 

16 thoughts on “6 Easy Steps Stops Dogs From Peeing On Your Flowers”

  1. This isn’t an issue I’ll ever have to face where I live, but I shared! These sound like great tips. I totally laughed at the part about plants with thorns, because my dogs are the same as your Henry. We have wild rose bushes too, and lavender all over parts of our property. My boys pee on them all the time. I always cringe when they do it – watching them get their boy bits that close to a thorny plant, lol. Somehow they always seem to manage to remain unscathed, thankfully.

    • I know it’s almost like a magic act how our dogs can a thorny bush yet don’t hurt themselves. Heck, I just look at a prickly bush and I’m scratched up. I’m glad to hear you don’t have to deal with neighbor dogs defacing your landscape.

      Thanks for sharing your experiences with your pups. 💖

  2. I don’t have to worry about this issue however I’m pinning and sharing your post to help other dog Moms and Dads. I think the idea of “pricky bushes” and DIY repellent is a clever idea. I never would have thought of that. Thanks for sharing these ideas. It’s hard work keeping one’s garden and landscaping looking nice and well maintained.

    • You certainly are correct. It can be a lot of work (and money) to keep a landscape looking nice, especially if your neighbors who aren’t helping you with their dogs.

      Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. 😊💖🐶

  3. Great tips. I do not live in a HOA so have no problems but people do put signs up in their small gardens asking us to keep our pets away, which can be difficult when it is across from a dog park so I steer Layla away from those small gardens as I do respect the owners.

    • You make a great point. That some dog parents will respect people’s landscape if they stop to think about it. Sometimes it only takes a simple sign to make that little nudge and adjustment in the dog’s path. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

      Make sure to give Layla a pet for Henry and me. 😊💖🐶

  4. Firstly, I have no idea what an HOA is. I assume it is some kind of community with individual gardens?

    I love your suggestions for keeping dogs off the garden. I would start with a sprinkler and move up to the ultrasonics then wheel out the big guns through community regulations.

    Some people are extremely selfish and don’t care about you or your garden. They can’t be bothered to shoulder the responsibility being a proper dog owner entails so you have to fight them every inch of the way to keep the garden you love.

    • You are so right, Marjorie. I should say that an HOA is a Home Owner’s Association. In America, there are some neighborhood communities where you pay extra each month, quarter, or year for added things like being in a gated community, front yard service, a neighborhood park, pool, etc. The guidelines of each HOA will dictate what’s covered and not. I will make an update with an explanation.

      You have the right approach with starting with minor solutions and adjusting as needed.

      Thank you for your brilliant insights. I really appreciate it.

    • Oh, I agree. Dogs do love to pee on elevated or tall things. However, some HOAs are restrictive on lawn decorations. If a decorative fire hydrant is allowed in the HOA and near the problem area that would definitely be a good option.

      Thanks for your perspective. I greatly appreciate it.

  5. Oh, what a timely post! I think I’d like to print this out and hand it out to a few people who have their dogs on the extend leashes and just let them up on people’s lawns to pee! How rude! Last winter a neighbor who has since moved, let his dog pee up on my grandson’s snowman that was all the up our lawn by the house! What?! I have Do Not Pee signs in my Amazon cart! I like my neighbors, but I would never allow my dog to christen their lawns! I used to let mine go on our property and then walk them close to me until we reached a wild wooded area. My Wolf would never pee anywhere but home! Pinning to share this!

    • OH NO!!!! Who would let their dog pee on a snowman! That’s a Frosty violation! My dog, Henry never pees on other people’s landscape either. It’s simply rude. However, public areas, like the wooded area your Wolfie peed at, are fair game.

      I really hope the no pee signs work for you. I’ll be keeping positive thoughts for a pee-free yard for you. 😉💖

    • Thank you for your comments. I have had success with these methods. If you have another method that works, then please share it so all my readers can benefit from it.


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