Why your dog needs an online pet supply store with great customer service

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There are many options for buying your dog’s supplies how you chose an online pet supply store is vital and customer service should be top of the list. While I like to support my local merchants, it’s not always possible. There are times when home delivery is just much more convenient or even necessary. In this article, I’ll discuss the benefits of an online pet supply store and I’ll share with you my absolute favorite one and why. 


online pet supply store

What are the benefits of shopping with an online pet supply store?

  • Heavy items are delivered directly to your home
  • Auto-shipment so you don’t run out of the essential things like your dog’s prescriptions
  • Free shipping with a certain amount purchased, such as $49
  • Safer with social distancing
  • Deliveries to rural areas where pet stores may be limited
  • Huge supply with many choices
  • Order anytime, anywhere
  • Essential deliveries when winter or other life issues limits your abilities to get out to the store
  • Easy refunds or returns

In this article, I talk about how to create a dog budget.

Is there an online pet store that meets all these criteria?

Yes, Chewy easily meets these criteria and much more. Let’s examine a few.

Some may think this is a bad thing. However, it’s easy to get distracted with life and forget to order your dog’s most important heart medicine. Chewy sends a message saying that your auto shipment is getting ready to ship. At this point, you can make a change if you need. Or simply relax knowing that everything is taken care of and your dog’s package will arrive in a few days.

Free shipping

While you may think that it’s a gimmick to have to order $49 to get free shipping, honestly if you are like me and stock up for several months on anything, you easily reach that threshold. Chewy’s free shipping is great.  Especially, when you consider that a $12 item can cost $7 to mail on some sites. 

Easy refunds or returns

This is where Chewy really starts to surpass the competition. My dog, Henry, while cute as can be, has made it known that he has his own standards and I have to conform. For example, when I first adopted him, I quickly discovered that he doesn’t enjoy getting wet unless it is of his own doing. This means that if it is raining or snowing, he’ll hold everything for a day or more rather than get his delicate fur wet. He has been called “King Henry” on more than one occasion. 

In this article, I talk about how to adopt a foster care dog.

A great example...

Once I discovered, his sensitive nature to the weather, I measured him very carefully and ordered a raincoat with a hood from Chewy. However, when it arrived, it was too small to get over his rather large cockapoo head. For a recently adopted pup, he was funny he was very patient as I struggled with the garment. It was actually hysterical and probably would’ve made a great “Funniest Animals” video. 

Chewy dog raincoat
Henry in his final proper fitting ducky raincoat with hood.

Once I wrestled the raincoat off Henry, I called Chewy expecting a hassle with returns or a reprimand on my measuring abilities. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised. The Chewy representative simply said, “No problem. We’ll credit your account. Can you please pass the raincoat onto a dog that needs it?”

Helping others…

I passed it on to a homeless pup at the shelter. This isn’t to say that Chewy does this with every product. I suspect it’s a case-by-case review. Although, the process is always easy. I’ve called Chewy several times due to Henry’s big head. I guess he’s overly smart? 

One last major benefit of Chewy, which is the BEST benefit!

Chewy’s customer service, which is somewhat highlighted in their return and refund policy, is absolutely amazing and top-notch. This is a trait that many companies will sacrifice in lieu of streamlining operations and in their mind be more profitable. Chewy is not one of these companies. Chewy has set a new course away from these companies. 

Mission statement speaks volumes

It’s evident that customer service is valued whenever you call Chewy. Their representatives will bend over backward to help in any way possible. Moreover, Chewy’s mission statement clearly states its emphasis on customer service:

Our mission is to become the most trusted and convenient destination for pet parents and partners everywhere. We view pets (and pet parents) as family and are obsessed with meeting their needs and exceeding customer expectations through every interaction . . . Chewy

flowers from Chewy
Flowers were sent from Chewy in remembrance of my cat, Daffy.

Another great example

I learned personally about how much Chewy truly values customer service when my last cat passed away. She had an auto-shipment with Chewy. I received a message from Chewy stating that her next shipment was ready to be mailed. In my grief, I couldn’t figure out how to cancel the shipment. I ended up calling Chewy’s customer service.

Moreover, the Chewy representative quickly canceled the auto-shipment and asked me why I was canceling, since it was a prescription. I told her through tears that my little fur ball had just passed away. She was very sympathetic and expressed her sorrow for me.

The most amazing part was a few days later I received flowers from Chewy with a card expressing how sorry they all were for my loss. What large company does that? It’s something I will never forget. 

Reviews say a lot

Currently, Trustpilot has Chewy’s rating at 3.4 stars with nearly 11,000 reviews and almost 85% giving the company a great or excellent review.

My bottom line review of Chewy’s customer support

Chewy’s customer service is beyond reproach. In my book, they are the current gold standard for great customer service. They have put customer service in stone on their mission statement and they live by it. 

Is Chewy a perfect online pet supply store?

No. Of course, not. You will find people that don’t like Chewy. There are always people that will not like something. However, to Chewy’s credit, if they know they’ve made a mistake, they will do everything possible to make it right. What more can anyone ask for? I wish more companies and people would take this approach. 

Is there anything else special about Chewy?

Yes. Chewy there are lots of extra things that make Chewy the best online pet supply store. 

Clearance section

If you’re like me you like a good deal and Chewy has a clearance section, where you can find amazing deals all year round.

Various pets

Chewy also has supplies for a multitude of pets, including cats, birds, reptiles, fish, horses, and small pets like bunnies, gerbils, guinea pigs, and the like.

Holiday section

Chewy has a holiday section that rotates for each season. I’m always surprised to find what sorts of things they will offer in their holiday section.

Promotional sales

Another great aspect of Chewy is that they are almost always running some sort of promotional sale every month. It could be on prescriptions, food, toys, etc. It’s generally pretty good and worth keeping your eyes out for when it pops up.

Today’s deals

Offers another great section to save on everyday items is the Today’s Deals section. It’s always worth a look.

Pharmacy section

In the pharmacy section, your pet’s prescriptions can be filled and if you put them on auto-shipped, they’ll even validate with your veterinarian before filling as required.

Easy help

If you can’t figure something out, such as the right size of something or what a product is really like, call or chat with customer service. They’ve helped me numerous times.

Veterinarian recommended

My vet has recommended several items from Chewy. Including his current food and the product that finally helped Henry with his anxiety. Read about the journey to find relief for Henry’s anxiety in this article. 

In this article, I discuss how to find the best veterinarian for you and your dog.


Budget Tip:

Look for clearance and auto-ship opportunities with Chewy. You’ll be shocked at how much you can save a deal with these simple tricks. 

Summary of why your dog needs an online pet supply store with great customer service

While there are many online pet supply stores, the only one that has superb customer service and meets all the critical other criteria is Chewy. Customer service is extremely valuable access that many seem to discount. Chewy has actual customer service written directly into their mission statement and you can tell.

Thus, Chewy is the leader in the online pet supply store industry I believe it is because they have made customer service a critical part of their core traits. Customers feel valued, which is why we return again and again. Of course, you can find an assortment of pet supply stores that will deliver to your home, but none can match Chewy’s outstanding customer service.

What’s your experience with Chewy? 

best online pet supply store

About Terri Rodefer

Terri Rodefer is the founder of Tail Wag Wisdom, a blog focused on affordable pet care. She likes to say helping pet parents afford and love their animals even more, makes her tail wag. As a lifelong lover of all animals with a background in economics, biology, and marketing, allows Terri to bring a unique spin to pet care. 

17 thoughts on “Why your dog needs an online pet supply store with great customer service”

  1. I have heard that Chewy’s customer service is pretty amazing. As someone who personally oversees the customer service for an entire company, I can tell you that it is a challenge to get it right. It’s much more difficult than it looks. I prefer to shop in store (I’m old fashioned), but the few times I’ve used Chewy, it has been a great service.

    • That’s perfectly said, it’s not easy to get it right. I’ve been on that side too and it’s not easy, which is all the more reason I appreciate great service when I find it. Thanks for sharing your experience with Chewy. I’m glad it has been amazing as well.

  2. Although I have never used Chewy, I have heard nothing but rave reviews about the company. I know they have a good selection of products and offer delivery but it’s nice to also know they have conveniences like auto-ship and great customer service. Quality friendly customer service is a rare find these days!

  3. I’ve had a few issues with Chewy over the years, and do prefer to support my local mom/pop pet supply store, but shopping online is so convenient. Plus my two dogs get so excited when those blue Chewy boxes get delivered to the door, lol.

    • I’m sorry to hear you’ve had issues with Chewy. I’m certain if you expressed your concerns, they would do everything they possibly could to make it right. That is a rare commodity in a company. I too like to support my local, small business. However, there are times when home delivery or an auto-shipment is either a necessity (such as an illness, covid social distancing, weather, etc.) or a simple convince for for a busy life. These are my favorite times to use Chewy and I know if there’s a problem, they’ll make it right. My dog love’s those blue Chewy boxes as well. He knows they are for him. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love ordering pet products and other things online, but I can’t do the regular delivery. I wish I could because the savings are good, but we travel a lot and often without much notice so I’m afraid of boxes being left at the door for Porch Pirates to take! I have heard great things about Chewy’s service though.

    • I use to think I couldn’t do the auto-shipment as well for the same reasons. Then I discovered that I can “manage” my auto-shipments. That has changed everything! As long as it hasn’t shipped, I can change the auto-shipment order. All I do is go into “manage autoships”, click on the “change” under “next order” date, select the new delivery date, and that’s it. I receive a message confirming the change. I often make changes. I hope this helps you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with Chewy!

  5. I hear a lot of good things about Chewy. One day they might visit New Zealand nd I will be so happy to see their great customer service!!

  6. I hear a lot of good things about Chewy. One day they might visit New Zealand and I will be SOO happy to see their great customer service!!

  7. I try to buy locally when it is convenient, but I also shop with Chewy from time to time. My experiences with Chewy have always been positive.

    • I’m so happy to hear your experience has been good with Chewy. I too like to support my local small business, but sometimes Chewy is just the best option. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I really like Chewy – I help support a family member’s care of their kitty by providing them with food and supplies – and it’s nice to be able to have the order shipped directly to their door as a re-occurring order so I know they have everything they need (and I can edit said order on my phone if something “pops up” during conversation so I don’t forget!) and then I don’t need to make a separate trip to purchase items and instead focus on just bringing the rest of the family to visit. 🙂

    • Wow! What a beautiful idea to help out in this way. I hadn’t thought of that but Chewy does make this sort of support easy. Thank you for being such a generous person of heart and soul. The world needs more like you.

  9. I think online retailers and companies are really drawing attention given everything that has happened over the last couple of years. Whether you weren’t allowed to enter a store (as it was deemed non-essential) or you simply weren’t comfortable, the ease of having the products you need delivered right to your door is hard to argue against. Before all of this, we rarely, if ever, bought pet supplies online. Now, I would say we’ve hit the point of being pretty much 50/50 curbside locally and buying online.

    • You are absolutely right. The last couple of years has definitely changed the way people shop and live. I never even dreamed of curbside. It’s amazing how we can adapt to a different procedure when we need to do so. That’s a great realize. Thanks for hte insights!


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