Your Ultimate Guide to Master the CDC Travel Rules for Dogs

a pup stand outside a prop plane while his humans learn about CDC travel rules for dogs

Do you know the CDC travel rules for dogs? If you’re planning to vacation internationally with your dog, it’s critical to know the rules so you aren’t caught off-guard or off paw. Did you know that the CDC recently changed the regulations for importing dogs into the US? This includes those canines that accompany their … Read more

14 Natural Remedies for Dog Allergies: Paw-sitive Relief!

a cute pup looks for natural remedies for dog allergies

Are there natural remedies for dog allergies? According to Disabled World, 74% of Americans prefer Natural options. That’s a huge percentage. I admit I fall into that 74% category and that includes preferring natural remedies for my dog, Henry. But are there safe and effective options available for pet parents whose furry buddies struggle with … Read more

Behaviorists for Dogs: Miracle Workers for Mischievous Mutts

Behaviorists for dogs can turn a bad habit dog into a snuggle pup.

Behaviorists for dogs solve issues where everything else seems to fail. Before you throw in the towel on your dog digging, barking, licking, or jumping, think about a canine behaviorist specialist. Every year dogs are surrendered when dog parents can’t solve issues like escaping, marking, furniture destruction, biting, or nipping. Perhaps all that’s needed is … Read more

Are Healing Crystals Capable Of Boosting Your Dog’s Wellbeing?

healing crystals for pups

Are gemstones just pretty or is there such a thing as healing crystals? While there is not any scientific evidence on the subject, there are some anecdotal studies, which are interesting. The use of crystals dates back to ancient Egypt. While some may adhere to the metaphysical properties of gemstones, what power do they really … Read more

Why your dog needs an online pet supply store with great customer service

best online pet supply store

There are many options for buying your dog’s supplies how you chose an online pet supply store is vital and customer service should be top of the list. While I like to support my local merchants, it’s not always possible. There are times when home delivery is just much more convenient or even necessary. In … Read more

Secrets of How Daily Gratitude With Your Dog Improves Health

Benefits of expressing daily with a dog.

Do you know that expressing gratitude can improve physical health, improve sleep, and decrease inflammation? Even better you can verbalize daily gratitude with your dog. Pretty amazing, huh? While gratitude may seem like a simple task, it’s a very impactful one. It doesn’t take much time, yet it can help improve your life in ways … Read more